
Southwestern College's LeadershipSupervision Program: Fostering Sustainability and Inclusion in Management

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Leadership Supervision Program Overview

The Leadership and Supervision program at Southwestern College is designed to equip students with essential skills for navigating both sustnability-focused management and resources challenges. The curriculum emphasizes two primary areas:

Program Highlights

Degrees Certificates Awarded

The program offers a range of credentials to suit different career aspirations:

Career Opportunities

Graduates from the Leadership Supervision program are well-prepared for roles such as:

Academics Schedule

Class Timetable

View the Academic Calarlink-to-calar and important dates that guide your academic journey.

Department Contacts

Accounting Business Administration:

Faculty Staff

Discover more about our dedicated team by exploring the Faculty Directorylink-to-directory.

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This article is reproduced from: https://www.swccd.edu/programs-and-academics/programs/leadership-and-supervision.aspx

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Sustainable Leadership Training Program Environmental Management Skills Course Human Resources Development Education Entrepreneurship Strategy and Planning Inclusive Workforce Culture Management Micro enterprise Innovation for Sustainability